Randomized Alphabet Drawing Results for the August 31, 2021 City of West Sacramento All-Mail Ballot Special Municipal Election

June 10, 2021

In accordance with Elections Code sections 13312 and 13113(a), the Secretary of State’s Office conducted a random drawing on Monday, June 7, 2021, of the letters of the alphabet to determine the order of appearance of candidates’ names on the ballot for the upcoming August 31, 2021 City of West Sacramento All-Mail Ballot Special Municipal Election.  Listed below are the official results for the state alphabet drawing.

1. S

7. D

13. I

19. K

25. W

2. T

8. Q

14. F

20. M

26. A

3. J

9. Y

15. N

21. U


4. P

10. V

16. O

22. B


5. H

11. E

17. R

23. C


6. G

12. X

18. Z

24. L

Please note that this alphabet is to be applied THROUGHOUT the candidate’s entire last name, so if more than one candidate’s surname begins with the same letter, the second letter of the surname determines who goes first, according to where the second letter of the name appears in the random alphabet. For example, if two candidates with the surname of Campbell and Carlson are running for the same office, their order on the ballot will depend on the order in which the letters “M “ and “R” were drawn in the randomized alphabet drawing.  To further ensure fairness in our election process, per Election Code section 13111, the Yolo County Elections Office rotates the ballot order of candidates by supervisorial district.

We encourage Yolo County residents to connect with Yolo County ACE – Assessor/Clerk-Recorder/Elections on Facebook: @YoloACE, Instagram: @YoloCoACE, and Twitter: @YoloCoACE to receive the most up to date information.
